The Benefits of Attending a Summer Bridge Program

Congratulations to all high school graduates!

The summer is a great time to connect with friends, maybe find a new passion project, volunteer and get involved within your community, and much more. For students getting ready for their first college semester, summer also brings an opportunity to join a summer bridge program.

Summer bridge programs are a great way to prepare high school students transition to college life, helping them feel more comfortable and confident to officially start the fall semester. These programs help with academics, general aspects of college life, networking and social opportunities. For first-generation students, summer bridge programs can be especially helpful as they can serve to provide a sense of belonging.

The content covered during these programs varies, but in general, they are meant to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in college, including studying and time management skills, learn about on-campus resources and support services. Some programs also offer accelerated academic experiences, and even offer college credit for attending.

In addition, it’s a great opportunity for students to start building their on-campus network by meeting peers, mentors and faculty. Connecting with other students with similar interests and creating a community before the official start of the semester can help provide a sense of belonging, which is key for a successful college journey.

How long do they last, costs and how to find out more
Summer bridge programs typically last between four to six weeks. Some universities require that the student has been accepted at the university to participate, but others might host summer programs that offer a similar experience.

Although the programs may come at a cost, your student might qualify for financial assistance or scholarships. To get started, the first step is to reach out to the Office of Admissions as they’ll be able to connect you with the right people. We also recommend doing a quick web search with “X University bridge program.”

Regardless if your student decides to participate in a summer bridge program, encourage your student to take advantage of their summer break with a variety of activities. The summer, in addition to providing time to rest and relax, is a great time to build their resume through volunteering opportunities, summer jobs, and more. Happy summer!